
Yesterday vent wery well, as expected.
Today is a more busy day at work with a few big tables booked in. 
That will be interesting and fun!
Drinking my morning smoothie and coffee of course. 
Spinache, banana, blueberries, ginger, greek yoghurt and coconutmilk.
Time to catch the day, take a shower, get pots done, feed the cats, get ready for work. 
I hope you all have a great day!



Good Mornin'
First day back at work today and i'm exited! 
First day is always the worst, to get back into the rutine and so. But I'm sure it will go well. 



I thought to myself the other day when I finished reading yet another book and put it on the already full bookshelf that I should really get a Kindle or something. 
We are moving to a smaller place, hopefully soon, and I'm planning a longer trip abroad in a year or so.
So I'm trying to get rid of things that I don't need to make things easier, for the future. 
What I wonder is, why is it so hard to get rid of books, why do we keep them?
Like we would read them again?
Or is it just me? 
What is it with books? Clothes and other stuff I have no problem with to give away or just bin. But books... 


Had a nice walk around the lake this morning testing out my new camera. 
And I must say, I'm impressed. 
Do you see the red circle in the middle? Do you see whats inside? No?
Zoom Zzzooom Zoom! Ta dah!
Whats that white dot in the middle of the lake? M'hm?
Okay, just one more. See that small white flower? M'hm?
Zoom zoom zoooomm!!



Good Mornin'
Eating some ham toast for breakfast, with my coffee of course. 
Sitting downstairs, cuddled up in the sofa with the TV on while the morning slowly takes form outside. 
Its a cold morning, you can for sure feel that the summer is over, its nice. 
Yesterday I spent the day in Meadowhall, I cut my hair off, pierced my ear, bought a camera and a few other things. It was a nice day out for some "me time". 
Today I'm going to go down town for a bit, get ready for work tomorrow and go to the council house to turn in the A1 housing papers. We are looking for something smaller, but there's no rush, we will wait until the right house shows up. 


Good mornin'
I had a nightmare! You remember Samara, from the old horror film, The Ring? 
Well.. She was after me and not only trough the TV.
It was awesome and aweful at the same time.
Having breakfast infront of my computer while catching up with the social media. 
I'm going to Meadowhall today with the 09:15 train, so I need to be ready in about halfhour. 
It will be a nice day out, until the afternoon when the kids finish school and Meadowhall becomes Meadowhell!


Do you ever ask yourself; What if?
Of course you do, we all do. But what does it really mean and why do we ask that?
I have been asking myself, What if? For 3 years now. Because now, it is 3 years since I moved from my home country Sweden over to England. 
I've had one foot still back in Sweden, unable to let go and move on. Mainly because of the question, What if?
I came back to England a few days ago after a 10 day visit to Sweden and that's when I realised, the question doesn't make any sense anymore. England is now my home in more ways then Sweden ever was and even if the What if? question was needed, Sweden would no longer be the answer to that question. 
I've been smiling with relief since I got back home, I felt for real for the first time in my life that I would never return. It doesn't scare me that I probably never will see that place again or the some of the people that live there, maybe even family. 
I will admit, I cried at the airport when my best friend dropped me off. I even gave her a hug, she looked at me with a arched brow and asked what I was doing but, I knew I was saying good bye. Maybe not to her, because we talk often and she comes over here to visit, but to the whole life we onced shared over in Sweden. I knew then and now, that it is too late to go back, there's nothing to go back to. 
Don't get me wrong, it is a nice feeling to finally let go, it makes it so much easier to move forward. 
So, ask yourself, what is your What if? question and does it still make sense? Or is it just something that prevents you from letting go and move of. 
I have a new What if? I don't think there's any way to get away from it, it comes in handy if needed. 


Mornin' peeps!
Been a month and quite alot have happend.
Lets start with the bad stuff, right? 
We are moving, hopefully soon. 
This flat is.. crap.. really.. 
And in a bad area so it will be nice to leave this place. 
With abit of luck will we be out soon.
Had a injury at work when i was doing mash in a weird position. 
Shoulder cracked and right arm was useless for a few days. 
After a week it was better tho, i was still working, doing what i could.
Yesterday i woke up with a wryneck.
This time is the left side, cant turn my head and its painfull.
Still working and ill do my best. 
But im just wating for the next thing to come...
I exercise my neck, arms and back daily cus i know i have problems with it. 
So i really hope it will get better, if not its going to the docktor next.
Ah, thats another thing, ive been to the hospital when the injury happen.
Got an exray for the first time in my life and also i've signed up with the local docktor.
Heh, very interesting for you guys to read about my injurys and stuff, whohoo! 

Now to something more fun!
We are moving soon! 
The house we are going to look at you can find here:
Park st 43
Its going very well at work, the owners is happy with my job and the staff is friendly.
I usually stay after work abit to hang out with them and its nice to.. make friends.
Or what im going to call it. Workfriends. Heh.
In a few weeks me and C are going on a holiday.
We are going to York again, this time for a week.
Going back to Jorvik center and all the museums and this time we can go to the York dungeon!
It was flooded last time we were there but this time it is open!
And every night we will go on ghostwalks, eat at resturants and hang out at the pub.
Its going to be awesome!
Nice to clear your head from all the things thats going on.


Must say, love my new phone! 
But im still very happy that i havnt had a smartphone before now.
Cus i wouldnt appreciate it this much i think.
Started to re think my anti smartphone feeling last
summer when i got a S II when i worked on the trains.
Meadowhall yesterday. 
Been there a few times now but i still get suprised how big it is!
Found a new jacket, a few tops and a hoodie. 
Bought a puzzle aswell.. 1000 pieces. 
Will take a while but ive never done a puzzle that big so i want to try it out. 
I'll let you know when its done, ill start today. 

This is my new puzzle!



Det blidde en Samsung galaxy s3. 
Mycket nojd men inget svensk keyboard. 
Ska leta runt och se om jag kan ladda ner det nagonstans. 
Snart dags for jobb.
Ville bara testa blogga fran luren.
Hejs svejs leverpastej!


Morgon smoothie med sommarbär, grädde och mjölk. Mums!
Stanna efter jobbet igår och umgicks med mina arbetskamrater.
Trevligt trevligt men blir lätt väldigt sent. Heh.
Börjar work om ca två timmar, lördagkväll så vad som helst kan hända.
Har sneglat lite på en Samsung Galaxy S III ett tag nu.
Aldrig ägt en smartphone men känner att det är dags att upgrade nu.
Någon som har något att säga om just den luren? 
Planen är att köpa den på tuesday när vi sticker till Meadowhall. 
Så jag har ett par days att fundera. 



Some things just changed at work, so im off today but working tomorrow.
Was going to Meadowhall with C tomorrow, update my wardrobe with spring clothes!
In the right size.. down side when you loose weight, heh. 
But we'll go next week instead.

Today im gonna dye my hair, found something new thats gonna be intresting to try.
Its Schwarzkopf Color Mask, its like a hair mask but it dyes your hair at the same time!
I'll let you know what i think.

Im going to try another smoothie today.
Thats the base and im going to start with a small amount and try to add:
Coffee in one and Cocoa in the other. 
We'll see how it will taste. 

love takes time, just like sauce.


Är ledig idag, tiden som varit och framöver är det fullt upp på jobbet.
Jag trivs när det är såhär, när man verkligen är behövd och när man känner att man gör skillnad.
Dom är nöjda med mig på jobbet vilket känns underbart då jag själv gärna stannar ett bra tag till.
Halkar lite efter med privatlivet dock, hemmaarbete och tid med pojkvännen är ganska sällsynt nu för tiden.
Är glad att han förstår. 
White Lion, ingång baksidan.
White Lion, en del av uteserveringen.
White Lion ingång framsidan.

Jag har funderat en hel del, förmodligen för mycket, på mitt Sverige besök för ca 6 veckor sen.
Har bestämt mig för att inte skriva någonting om det och bara lämna det som det blev.
Är grymt besviken och än en gång överaskad även fast jag inte borde vara det.
Jag borde veta bättre.
Men jag lär mig av mina misstag och kommer inte göra om det.
Får frågan ibland när jag kommer tillbaka nästa gång. 
Det lär dröja ett bra tag och jag ser inget problem med det.
Vill tacka bästa B och A för att vi fick bo hos er!
Det var helt underbart att under två veckor få leka kollektiv med er, mys!

Precis slängt in en tvätt och sitter här med min lchf-kaffe-smoothie som jag precis gjort för första gången!
100g smör
2dl kokande vatten
400g kokosmjölk (en burk)
Ca en halv liter mandelmjölk.
(Köpte mandelmjölk för det hade 0.3 kolh i sig,
men att dricka det som det är smakar skit så tänkte jag använder upp skiten i en smoothie går säkerligen precis lika bra med vilken random mjölk som helst, just so you know.)
Ca en matsked kakao
Ca 3 dl kaffe
Samt en svätt grädde för att göra det lite fluffigt.
Lägg i smör samt det kokande vattnet och kakaon, mixa!
Häll i kokosmjölk och mandelmjölk (random mjölk), mixa!
Häll i kaffe och grädde, jag stoppa även i några is bitar, jag mixa ca 2 min.
Mixa ordentligt så det blir en fluffig yta av grädden. 
Nästa gång har jag nog i mer kaffe då jag föredrar kaffe smaken framför kokos.
Sorry för måtten, men jag använder inte mått jag bara gör. 
Fyllde upp en liter flaska som nu står i kylen sen har jag själv ett stort glas.
Tänkte att det kan vara en skön frulle för tidiga mornar. 
Det smakar kokos och choklad med en efter hint av kaffe.

Ursäkta eventuella stavfel osv, att ha två språk som slåss i huvudet är inte lätt!


Today is my last shift before my holiday!
Feel great and weird at the same time.
I'm going to Sweden on my holiday, thats what feels weird.
Going to your home on holiday, heh.
So its just today with work and then tomorrow mornin' me and C are going to Manchester.
We'll stay at Radisson Blu for the night just next to the airport.
Can't wait to see my friends!
Found a letter yesterday from one of my friends that she sent me when i just moved over.
Blää, emotional..
 Very very soon now and i'm so happy!
But abit worried about the plane trip, not a big fan of flying..


I made some cookies today!
One lot with raspberrys and one lot with chocolate.
I'm happy with it cus i don't have much to use really. 
I made the dough with butter, egg, almond flour and bakingpowder.
Then i put some raspberrys on 'em.
And the chocolate ones i mixed in some dark chocolate chips. 
Taste allright but i really would like to try to make 'em with coconut flour but i can't find any.
C's mum and sister came up for some coffee and i got an early bithday present!
I wanted a whisk, cus whipping cream takes forever with this weird cream they have.
And i got a whisk.. a very big one..
 Thanks very much guys!
Now i can make my dough for my bread and stuff in it aswell, its great!

Right now im sitting here with some coffee and munching on my cookies!
Back to work tomorrow, it'll be nice, i really like my job. 
Thinking about sweden alot, its very close now and i wonder how it will feel.
I know it'll be great over there but im worried about the feeling i'll have when we go back here.
But thats then and i'll try not to think about it. 
I Miss you guys! 


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